Tell Us Your Story

Your Chance to Tell Us Your Story & Also Provide Your Suggestions

Thank you for accessing our ” Tell Us Your Story ” page !

Please be assured any contact information you might provide will remain confidential and not be used or sold for any other purpose.

What story or experience would you like to share with ?
Provide as much detail below as you like.
Your Overall Rating of Fenelon Falls

Using this scale from Zero to Five Stars, how would you rate Fenelon Falls as a place to visit ?

Or if you are a resident, How do you rate Fenelon Falls as a place to live ?

Please give some details as to why you selected that rating for Fenelon Falls.

We like to post several stories and comments on this website. If you give permission to post your comments,
it would be very nice to have a name and location to associate with. Example: ” The McKay Family from Oshawa said …. ”
Is it okay to use your comments and/or name for this purpose ?
If you don’t respond to this question we will assume your comments are NOT to be used on the website.

Optional : Your Contact Details
If you would like us to follow up with you, we will need either an email address or a telephone number.